Wednesday, May 04, 2011

a few cute things

Going through all the bazillion saved wedding-related book marks on my computer (deleting those I've already posted or no longer interested in) and found these. How cute!


Second, I LOVE this engagement shoot. It's stunning. Everything about it is gorgeous.

I hope we get to have an engagement shoot, but really the reason we need one would be to include on our engagement invites, etc. and we won't be able to get one done in time to make the invites. Besides, my lovely brother is doing the shots for that for us. But it would still be nice...we'll see how we go!


  1. Hey! I added you to my blogging brides page, thanks for letting me know your date! those fortune cookies are DEF. cute! LOVE them!

    do you have any talented photographer friends that could take some good engagement pictures for you?

  2. Thanks Laura! I'm excited to be a part of the blogging community and see how everyone's wonderful days go :)

    They are so cute hey? I also found really cute cake pop ones but I don't seem to have saved a picture...

    Yes, my little brother is going to take some engagement shots for us, hopefully this weekend, to use on our invites. We might get him to do a longer shoot with some props (if I can convince the future hubby!) soon as well. Check out his Facebook page, Autumn Wind Photography here:!/autumnwindphotography

    He's pretty talented for an almost-15 year old! xx


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