Friday, May 20, 2011

our mini shoot Pt. 2

Ok so we've discovered that my computer did in fact eat some of our pictures! For some reason, whenever I rotate a photo using Window's Photo Viewer - it disappears! Like, vanishes. It's not sent to the recycling bin it's just...gone. But my brother still had a copy of all our pictures on his laptop (but had deleted them from the camera!) so I've managed to get them all back. I KNEW there should have been more colour options with the "He asked" and "She said yes!". Now maybe I can play around and make a second STD and maybe have two different options sent out...that could be fun!

Anyway, just a couple more pictures that were missed in the last round up then...ok yes, they are still pretty similar but I like them. LOL. I think the first two are new favourites as well:

It's nice to get nice photos of you and your partner, isn't it? I rarely get photos of the two of us unless they are self-taken, so they always end up looking the same! (two heads squished into the know the ones!) It's really nice to have these in general, but in particular to celebrate our engagement. I can't wait to get a proper shoot done! Just have to try not to "pretty" the boy too much... *smiles innocently* Who me? Never!

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