Thursday, April 28, 2011

flower girl project, part two

I've been a busy little bumble bee tonight. I've moved forward with my flower girl project (almost done!) and pick up some possible flower girl sashes for a measly $3 each (they may end up being used for other things if we don't use them for sashes) and I've been trawling Etsy...

Oh Etsy. I could spend hours looking at all the pretty wonders you offer...

Previously, I have merely been popping onto Etsy to search for specific items. Today however, I had a look in the "Wedding Section". Dum dee dum! I only got to page 40 and I've had to's bed time...but I could keep going!!! I think I will share some of my findings in a post tomorrow. Tonight, I leave you with some piccies from my flower girl gifts. Since the girls are too little to be reading blogs, and I know their mums certainly aren't reading this, I don't mind showing the process as it goes. I'm hoping to give the girls (or in Tamzyn's case her Mummy) the books this weekend or next. Can't wait to see their/their Mummy's reactions!

On a side note, I really need to learn to take pictures in better light...and not on my iPhone!


*EDITOR'S NOTE* Yes. I saw the typo. And had to reprint. *sigh*


  1. Lady, i LOVE the poem - it so made me well up! its beautiful and oh so sweet!!!

  2. Nawww haha. I can't wait to give them to them :) I started making a little cute one to go inside Aiden's book when it comes too hehe


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