Friday, August 02, 2013

friday's letters

Dear Baby,
Your crazy tricks in my stomach this morning made me look like you had pitched a tent in the left side of my stomach - it was creepy and cool, all at the same time!

Dear Readers,
Make sure you read this post to read up on an awesome freebie from Nursing Pillows!

Dear Friends and Family,
You are all amazing. Seriously. Our Baby Shower rocked and you have all spoiled Little Bean so much! We appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts!

Dear Plumber Man,
Ok, I didn't meet you but I love you. Thank you for installing our new hot water service after ours gave up the ghost (turns out it was from 1998!!!). Looking forward to a hot shower tonight after having to visit other people since Wednesday!

Dear House/Electrical Items,
Please, no more breaking ok? We are being very nice to you, I don't know why you don't like us!!

Dear Universe,
What did we do to piss you off...hmm??

Dear Calm Birth Course,
Pumped to start you tomorrow! Hope you are full of lots and lots of helpful information!

Dear Maternity Photos,
Swoon. That is all.

Dear Work,
No offense, but I'm over you. Bring on holidays in 4 weeks!!


1 comment:

  1. It's such a cool feeling when baby moves around in my tummy, so exciting! And speaking of maternity pictures, I really need to get on that. Like now. Haha



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