Thursday, October 31, 2013

happy halloween!

Happy All Hallow's Eve everyone! Despite the fact that Halloween isn't a big deal here in Australia, the hubs and I love it and always enjoy decorating our house and having loads of lollies ready for any kids who come knocking! Lucky for us, the area we've moved to seems to enjoy it as much as we do! We've had loads of little kiddies (adequately supervised by adults, thankfully!) come a-knocking, all dressed up, and a number of people in the street decorated their houses.

Exciting for me, as a Mama, was that this was Livie's first holiday! So of course, I couldn't resist dressing her up, even if we didn't leave the house...Enjoy!

Happy Halloween Everyone! Love, Olivia Grace xx

1 comment:

  1. She is so adorable in that outfit! I kinda wish I dressed up my daughter too since its her first halloween also :(


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