Thursday, October 10, 2013

dear baby

Dear Baby,

I can now call you by your name, sweet little Olivia. I'm so excited to have finally met you, to know that you are exactly the person I thought you were, carried inside me all those months, and yet, you are completely new to me! Daddy and I simply cannot believe that today you are two weeks old. Where have those 2 weeks gone? They have been a mix of snuggles and endless feeds and little sleep...the most precious time we could imagine and yet they fly by so fast!

Already you have changed so much, in such a short space of time. Your cheeks are getting chubbier (and I'm so proud that I can say "I'm doing that!"), your eyes are getting bluer, your smiles are getting more and more real...and our hearts grow more and more full of love for you. And for each other.

You are the most amazing gift that anyone could have given to us and we are both amazed and terrified that such a tiny little person is all ours. We cannot wait to see you grow, see your personality emerge and see who you look like (and whether you get some dimples!) but right now, I want you to stay teeny and squishy for a good while terrifying as that can be it's almost amazing to feel your warmth against me and know that right now, you are all ours. The world has not yet touched you and you are perfect.

Welcome to the world little Livie. You just became ours.

Love, Mama xx

Weight: 3340 grams, 135 grams above her birth weight

Keep an eye out for Olivia's birth story, coming soon!

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