Saturday, May 28, 2011

our page boy!

Ok so I've been a bad blogger this week...See, what happens when you find amazing blogs to read, is that you stop writing in your own. Whoops!

But back into it!

I've got a number of posts lined up for this weekend, as long as I get 5 mins to sit down and write them. Today in fact, I am having a make up trial! Quite excited, it's included in a make up party for me and all my lovely ladies, so I'll be sure to do a write up of it (with pictures!) tomorrow.

But today, I would like to introduce you to our gorgeous little page boy, my nephew, Aiden. He is the son of my younger sister and bridesmaid, Danielle. And he's a gorgeous little monkey.

Now you've all seen the awesome books I found for our flower girls (can be seen here). Well, I ordered a Ring Bearer book online, and made up something similar for Master Aiden!

Cute right? Well I gave it to him on Thursday night. Now, he's only 9 months old, so doesn't really get it (of course) but he LOVES books, and was very excited to get something hehe. My sister really liked it and is looking forward to reading it to him when he's bigger! I can't believe he'll be two when we walk down the aisle!

PS. For anyone who is wondering what the sticker on the back of the card is, it's our stickers that I made to use to close our engagement invite envelopes! I've also used them on the back of the flower girl cards as well, here's a bit of a close up:

I think they turned out great!

Now just to give the little ladies their books!! Has anyone else done some fun projects for the littlest members of your bridal party?

PS. If anyone would like a copy of this Ring Bearer book (it really is a cute one!) it can be found here.


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