Wednesday, May 18, 2011

our mini shoot

Ok, as promised, here are some pics from our mini shoot with my brother. There's only a few different shots because we were really only doing it purely to get some photos for our invites and Save The Dates...that and I didn't want to scare my future hubby with a big stylized shoot! (Although I'm sure my brother would have loved it!) In FH's words, he requested that I not try to "pretty him" with too much lovey dovey stuff. :) He did agree to use the signs though, and one of my favourite shots actually came about because he decided to use one of the signs of his own accord!

With no further ado - some piccies!

And finally, my favourites as mentioned earlier:

These are all unedited...some need cropping and things, but we've only really touched the ones that we've used so far (for invites, etc.) and cropped those to the size we need. None of these have been touched I believe!

I also think that I'm actually missing a few...I seem to remember there being more...I mentioned to my brother after the shoot that we could probably only use the landscape shots, not the long shots, so I think that's all he transferred to my computer. I'm going to find out and if there's any more good ones I'll pop them up.

What do you guys think?


  1. Lady i love them! They are so cute!!! Especially the last 2 at the end with just Grums "Im hers" sign - LOVEEEE IT!

    PS: When he does ask me, you are planning my wedding bahahah

  2. Hi Amanda,

    I stumbled across your blog via weddingbee! Your photo shoot looks aweseome, and those dollies you made for your bridesmaids... so cute! I would love to feature your mini shoot, the dollies and anything else you would like to share on my blog (

    Let me know if you'd be interested.
    Hope your plans are all going well :)

    All the best,
    Danielle x

    P.S. my email address is:

  3. Hi Danielle!
    I sent you an email, wondering whether you received it or whether it went to junk mail? :)


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