How far along? 18 weeks!
Baby Size: Baby is the size of a dragon fruit
Total weight gain: Roughly a kilo for every month of pregnancy so far…I think
Maternity clothes? Still loving my maternity tights but that’s about it at the moment
Stretch marks? So far, so good!
Sleep: Well, since our move I’ve been waking much earlier! Our new bedroom gets the direct morning light so I’ve been trying to go to bed earlier…less getting up during the night, sometimes I can go all night without needing too, sometimes I get up at 5 and then go back to bed for a few hours
Best moment this week: Daddy getting to feel you move at 17 weeks! And since then it’s just been getting stronger and stronger…Annnnd MOVING HOUSE! You officially have a nursery. But this is also the reason for the very tired looking bump pic! That was our 2nd day in our place, Mama had been unpacking all day!
Miss Anything? Eggs benedict. Lol. But for the most part I feel pretty normal so not really missing much!
Movement: Getting stronger and stronger by the day! I love that we got to feel our little munchkin so early!
Food cravings: Don’t think I’ve really had any this fortnight!
Anything making you queasy or sick: The smell of cigarettes makes me want to hurl…
Gender: Surprise! We’re both still strongly thinking girl
Symptoms: A little heartburn if I have too much water before bed, itchy skin and a belly…and lots and lots of movement :)
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood: Excited
Looking forward to: Our ultrasound appointment on the 1st of May – it’s a nice long one so we’ll get to stare at you for longer :) And our midwife appointment which has been moved to the 7th
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