How far along? 16 weeks!
Baby Size: Baby is the size of an avocado (yum!)
Total weight gain: A few kilos at this point.
Maternity clothes? Not yet, although I have officially started a collection. Definitely finding maternity tights more comfortable than normal tights, and loving my skirts with my “fold down” waist (not maternity but certainly could pass as such!)
Stretch marks? Nope!
Sleep: Still getting up between 4 and 5:30am to use the bathroom, occasionally at 7 if I don’t. The hubs switched sides of the bed with me and I’m finding it much more comfortable (and getting a better night’s sleep!)
Best moment this week: FEELING YOU MOVE! Okay, this was technically in week 15 but has continued and is slowly getting stronger. I can’t believe I can feel Little Bean so early but hey, with all the jumping around they do when we see them on the ultrasound, I can’t say I’m too surprised!
Miss Anything? Some of my Summer clothes but since we’re moving into Winter I’m getting over that.
Movement: Yes, yes, YES! On the 1st of April I felt something…wasn’t too sure and was feeling a little silly in case I was wrong (it was so early!). But the next day it happened 3 more times in the exact same spot – definitely Little Bean!
Food cravings: Lemon and Sugar crepes! Nom, nom, nom. I think Auntie Juzzie is having sympathy cravings for them!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Chocolate still. The smell of cigarettes makes me want to hurl…
Gender: Surprise! We’re both still strongly thinking girl
Symptoms: Some cramping, lots of bathroom breaks, tired (although a little better recently), a little heartburn if I have too much water before bed, itchy skin and a belly! Yay!
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood: Excited
Looking forward to: Your Daddy getting to feel your kicks! And our next ultrasound/midwife appointment on the 1st of May. Oh and starting prenatal yoga classes on the 14/04/2013!