Well Blogworld! Hello! I hope you haven't been missing me too much...I kid...While I've had heaps of posts going up over the last couple of weeks, they have all been scheduled posts (and I'm quite proud of myself for having organised them all!) so I feel like it's been a long time since I've sat down and written a post out! I hope you have been enjoying the wedding and baby bump recaps, and they haven't been too boring! (I always feel like I'm boring people with recaps!) There's about 4 more bump posts and then we will be right on track with where we're up to currently.
Anywho, what have we been up to? I hear you thinking...Well, even if you weren't thinking that, it's what I'm about to share with you! The hubs and I have been settling well into our new abode - we love it here. We love the house (minus a few minor things that will be fixed with time!), we love the area, we love the peace and quiet (yes, my family home is rather...loud...) and I am loving decorating after 18 months of living in a bedroom! We have finally gone through the last of the boxes that were sitting around our main living areas (although we both still have a number to go through in our respective study spaces!) and it has meant I can finally start putting out all the pretty decorations, organising the wall decor and most importantly, bringing out all our wonderful Engagement, Kitchen Tea and Wedding gifts!! It's been like Christmas around here and I have loved seeing gifts given to us in love finally making their way into our home.
I'm also enjoying coming up with ideas to make over the house! For the first time we have a little entrance way (and I mean *little*...but still!) and a large laundry room - both of which I am excited to decorate! Things have been pinned, saved on etsy and started to be ordered...before and afters will occur!
Of course, the thing I am most excited for, when all of our main rooms are organised, is to decorate Baby's nursery. Little Bean has a whole room, all of their own now! At the moment it is filled with wedding gifts that haven't got a home yet, and items that we have already bought or been gifted for Baby. No big furniture yet. But it all starts to head on over in June! We should have our glider within 2 weeks, our basinette by the end of June and the crib and change table we are ordering are for delivery the week of June 10. I cannot wait! We just need to find a little wardrobe and side table now and all the furniture will have been picked. Then the real fun begins!
Of course, I will be sharing all of the updates with you guys along the way, if you all want to hear them! For now, I leave you with some pictures of my favourite nooks and crannies around our new abode. More recaps (both baby and wedding!) are coming your way soon!
pretty, pretty views from our windows - we get to look at so much sky here! I love it!
red fences with climbing plants outside my kitchen window...love (although yes, some gardening needs to occur re: dead branches!)
the gorgeous front window in our doorway - I love this!
lovely red mail box...vinyls with our details have been ordered to decorate this bad boy!
ok, I cave...I just love our little abode in general. makes me happy having such a cute little place to call home. *le sigh* I'm content.
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