This year I will be linking up with
Practicing Simplicity for a photo a week of my little Olivia, for the year. 52 photos in total, shared here on the blog. I've been following this series for a while and I'm excited to start it this year with my little bug. Of course, my photos won't be anywhere near as gorgeous as others in the link up as I only have an SLR on the occasion that I borrow it from my dad, and I have barely a clue how to use it...but it will still be fun to look back on at the end of the year! Many photos will probably be phone photos, so I apologise in advance!
But for now, here's week one! Gosh, we take so many photos in a week that I can already tell this is going to be difficult...but this week, little miss rolled from her back to her belly for the first time and this grainy, badly lit shot was taken just after she did so. She looks so cool about it, "What I rolled? Oh yeah, no biggie". Despite better quality photos, this one has to be my favourite for the week. (taken 03.01.2014)
"A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2014."
omg that photo is so great..she is absolutely beautiful!