Sunday, February 24, 2013

recap: details - the dress! (and other bridal details)

Saturday, 29th September, 2012

So here is where I finally reveal my wedding dress! You saw us getting ready, now here's the final product!

(Please note that I'm super nervous about sharing Sandra's work here but I don't want to watermark her gorgeousness. All the following photos are the work of Sandra Henri Photography and are not to be taken, copied, used or edited in any way without permission from Sandra. Steal them and claim them as your own and we will bust your butt evil copy-right violation people!)

hanger available from this Etsy store

my gorgeous clutch, from this Etsy store

hair clip and my earrings (which we thought were lost at the end of the weekend! but they were my husband's pockets. where I told him they would be...)

my extra special watch that was given to me at 16 by my grandmother, who couldn't be present. It was given to HER at 16 also. You will see more of it later...Also, the lucky pennies that the hubs and I wore in our shoes, from this Etsy store.

my garter (which was actually blue lace!) can be found at this Etsy store

What do you think? I love my dress so much...As I'm sure all brides do! I hope to wear her again one day...that would be amazing :)

Next Up: Details - The Flowers...

Miss something?

  1. recap: the girls get purty...nail day!
  2. recap: the night before the big day
  3. recap: bridal party gifts...the boys!
  4. recap: bridal party gifts...the girls!
  5. recap: the girls get ready...part one!
  6. recap: the girls get ready...part two!
  7. recap: the boys get ready!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

recap: the boys get ready!

Saturday, 29th September, 2012

Ok! Getting stuck back into our wedding recaps! Here we go!

You will notice a major difference in the amount of photos of the girls getting ready....and the boys getting ready. That is because, every time the lovely Jo snuck off to take some photos, she would return with, "Well, they aren't doing anything yet". Haha. I'm pretty sure this:

...was what they were doing most of the time! Guys have it so easy! I have heard though that my SIL/bridesmaid had to go in there and iron some shirts before they got!


(Please note that I'm super nervous about sharing Sandra's work here but I don't want to watermark her gorgeousness. All the following photos are the work of Sandra Henri Photography and are not to be taken, copied, used or edited in any way without permission from Sandra. Steal them and claim them as your own and we will bust your butt evil copy-right violation people!)

The boys showing off their cufflink gifts :)

Ps. See that picture of our littlest niece/flowergirl getting her hair done by her Daddy? In LOVE with that photo. She stayed with the boys to get dressed, while Aiden and Emily stayed with us in the girls' room (since Aiden's Mummy was a bridesmaid and Tamzyn's Daddy was a groomsmen, we thought they would feel more comfortable that way! Apparently all Tammy did was eat all the boys' food...hehe). That picture captures the first time her Daddy did her hair...and the placement of the tattoo with her name on it is just perfectly unplanned! Her Mummy loves it :)

Next Up: Details - The Dress!...

Miss something?

  1. recap: the girls get purty...nail day!
  2. recap: the night before the big day
  3. recap: bridal party gifts...the boys!
  4. recap: bridal party gifts...the girls!
  5. recap: the girls get ready...part one!
  6. recap: the girls get ready...part two!

Friday, February 08, 2013

I'm baaaaack!

I know, I know, you've all been terribly anxious to know where I am...just kidding! Truth be told, the hubs and I haven't been home much since Christmas, and not being home = not having access to personal computer = no access to personal files/photos = no blog recaps! In fact, it meant I couldn't really blog, fullstop! But we are home and I hope to get stuck into these recaps soon so that I can move this blog into it's new realm of existence!

But where have I been? Well, nowhere terribly exciting, but at the same time, we had a lovely break. See, we've been house sitting! As mentioned about a year or so before the wedding, the hubs and I decided to move in with my parentals, to save up for our own place. The lovely Miss Laina's parents went on holidays recently, just after Christmas, and knowing we were doggy-loving newlyweds living at home, they asked us to watch their home and doggy-sit for them while they were gone. 2 whole weeks with 3 cute doggies, a 2 story house to ourselves and a pool. Not much more you could ask for over summer!

We had a lovely time watching the doggies and chilling out, only to return home and miss the freedom of our own place a little! However, a week later we were contacted by the family's friend and neighbour, Shell, who was ALSO going away, for 10 days this time, and asked if we would like to watch her place and doggies! Of course we were up for it. Her two little doggies were also cuties and we enjoyed our stay with them as well.

So most of our January was spent away from home and having some lovely husband and wife time. We're back home now so February should be the start of some more action here on the blog! I hope you guys aren't a) fed up waiting for recaps or b) fed up of wedding talk in general. But I promise to get a move on! I didn't originally intend for so many recaps (we aren't even up to the ceremony yet!) but we have so many amazing photos and memories I want to do them justice in remembrance. I hope you all don't mind holding on for a little longer! Then there will likely be a lot of exciting things happening as our life moves forward, into getting our own place and hopefully some crafts, recipes and general life talk!

I'm so glad to have you guys along for the ride that will be 2013!

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